Episode 4: The Radio
You need to fix the radio to try to communicate with the outside world.
You already have the radio parts and learned a little bit about electricity at the Public Library but you still need help to fix the radio.

Episode 3: Searching for the generator
You realize that in order to survive in this new chaotic world, you will need to find a way to get electricity. Maybe you can find an electric generator somewhere.
Search an old factory seems like a good idea to start.

Episode 2: Fires and Looting
A couple of days have passed and the power is still out. Things are intense. People are leaving the city. There is violence in the streets. You need to find more information about what happened.
You should walk to the radio tower to see if any equipment works.

Episode 1: The day the world changes
All eletronic devices stopped. What happened?
You were driving your car when the music in the radio suddenly stopped. You car functions stops responding. tried to restart it, but it didn’t work. With a quick reflex, you turn the steering wheel to the right to avoid a collision with the car in front and land on the grass on the side of the road.
You see cars crashing on the other side of the road.
You get your phone but your phone’s battery is dead. How come? The phone was fully charged until moments ago. What’s happening?
Better just take what you can carry from you car and leave your car there.