You watched the movies. You played the games. You read the books. Now it is time to experience the end of the world in the NFT space.
Click here to check the missions available now.
Collect cards from our Drops or visit the Atomic Hub Marketplace to get the items that you need for a mission.
Then, blend the cards to complete the mission.
When you blend the cards, you get a MISSION COMPLETED PACK.
Opening the pack gives you the Mission Result and XP (new NFT cards).
Blend your XP to level up your Survival Level and unlock more advanced missions
We recommend that you start with the Episode 1 - Zero Hour mission and then go in sequence from there.
Every mission will require a certain amount of items, like food, water, maps and other items. By blending these items, you will complete the mission and generate new NFT cards that could be used in future missions.
EXEMPLE: Fishing on North Lake (part of the Green Lake Vacation Mission Pack)
Blend the cards to complete the mission.
Open the Mission Completed Pack to get new NFTs + XP.
You can use your XP to advance your Survival Level. Everyone will start at Level 0 and you will blend XP to advance to the next levels. The Survival Level will be a special NFT.
There are specific missions for higher levels.
Everytime a new level is released, we have a mint sprint and do a giveaway for the first people who reach the new level.
Blend your survival Level here:
Level 0 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211839
Level 1 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211838
Level 2 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211836
Level 3 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211835
Level 4 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211833
Level 5 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211831
Level 6 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211830
Level 7 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/211824
Level 8 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/super/138
Level 9 - https://neftyblocks.com/c/survivalgame/blends/super/568
What do you need to advance the levels?
3 XP cards + previous level card and maybe food and water for higher levels.
What are Gold, Silver and Bronze coins used for? How do I get them?
The coins are used for exclusive airdrops from time to time. All packs from the first 4 week drops (July 2, July 10, July 16 and July 23) have coins.
Classic Pack comes with a Bronze coin. VIP Pack comes with a Silver coin. Mega Box comes with a Gold coin.
You only get coins on the packs sold on the July 2 drop (Vacation), the July 10 drop (Festival), the July 16 drop (Preparing) and the July 23 drop.
How do I get XP? What is it for?
You get XP when you complete the missions.
The main use of the XP will be to increase your Survival Level. You will also use XP to level up your skills. There will be exclusive drops and missions for higher ranks.
What are Skills for?
Certain missions will require a higher skill to complete.
There are 5 skill levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert and Master. You level up your skills by blending 3 lower tier skills and XP (example: 3 basic fishing + XP = Intermediate Fishing).
You get skills by completing missions.
Is this a play to earn game?
We see many projects promising play to earn in the far future (6 months, 12 months, 18 months from now) and we don’t do that. We don’t promise something that we don’t know it can ever happen.
We like to under promise and over deliver.
Our main focus is to provide a fun and enjoyable experience with an appealing storyline.
Can we stake cards in other platforms (R-planet, Wax Arena, Collect Social, etc)?
No, our cards have no staking abilities at the moment.
That being said, we will always try our best to make the cards valuable to players, making them useful in Survival Game and trying to have partnerships.
However, partnerships/staking is a difficult goal to accomplish, and it is not only up to us. We will try our best but for now, the cards have no staking abilities.
We will not promise something that we don’t know if/when it will happen, specially when it’s not up to us.
What we can promise right now is a fun and enjoyable experience where you can be part of the story and help decide the future of the story.